Category: Business
Hits: 4601

Green business,, is giving away an Apple iPad in their latest contest. To be entered in the drawing for to win, all you have to do is watch their latest promotional video, entitled "Chimpanzee Riding on a Go-Ped," and correctly guess who is in the gorilla suit. has provided a number of clues across the internet that will help you track down the correct answer. The last day to enter an answer is at 12 Noon PT on March 31, 2011, so you better hurry! You can Log onto their contest page for more information.

"Chimpanzee Riding on a Go-Ped" is a play on the viral video "Chimpanzee Riding on a Segway," which features, adorable Chimpanzee, Pan-Kun riding a Segway on a Japanese game show and an orginal song by Perry Gripp. is an eco-friendly business that sells "a variety of products—mainly electric scooters and bikes—to help bridge the gap between home and public transportation." They have been featured in the environmental weekly series Neon Tommy, which focuses on green living. Being more eco-friendly is something that has been committed to since its début in 2002. gears their business toward conscientious consumers who wish to move "toward greener transportation options" as well as those "looking to reduce their carbon footprint."