Category: Politics
Hits: 4468

The latest airing of "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" featured an impassioned speech by very concerned Republican Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, to the people of California.

"Does anyone really believe that these companies, out of the goodness of their black oil hearts are spending millions and millions of dollars to protect jobs?" were among many of the points he tried to drive home that day.

Governor Schwarzenegger is referring to the recent attempt to undo the legislation he signed four years ago, the goal of which was to reduce carbon emissions by 30 percent by the year 2020. But a slew of advertisements, which he has deemed "scare tactics," have suggested that this landmark legislation would result in job loss.

Schwarzenegger surprisingly exposed the players by name, stating that "Valero and Tesoro and frontier and Koch industries are blatantly trying to manipulate the will of the people and the public good." He went on to state that, "they are seeking to buy votes." Their motivation, he asserts, is "self serving greed!"

The Union of Concerned Scientists agrees, Proposition 23 is bad for California. Help them stop this "oil-company-funded dirty energy proposition" by visiting their website: